Bunded 1250 litre
Bunded oil tanks are manufactured from UV stabilised linear low density polyethylene to protect the product from UV degradation. A standard 1” BSP outlet is extended from the inner oil tank through the bund for ease of installation. The inner tank comes fitted with a gauge bung which can be removed in order to fit an ultrasonic sensor at a later date.
All tanks should be installed on a firm flat surface, supporting the base of the tank extending 300mm on all sides.
It is recommend that tanks are fitted in an area that is not in direct sunlight.
2,250mm (88.58″)
910mm (35.83″)
1,610mm (63.39″)
1,230 Litres (271 Gallons)
10 Years on Manufacturing Defects. Product must be registered at Warranty covers replacement tank only. 1 Year on Parts.
Bunded oil tanks are manufactured from UV stabilised linear low density polyethylene to protect the product from UV degradation. A standard 1” BSP outlet is extended from the inner oil tank through the bund for ease of installation. The inner tank comes fitted with a gauge bung which can be removed in order to fit an ultrasonic sensor at a later date.
All tanks should be installed on a firm flat surface, supporting the base of the tank extending 300mm on all sides.
It is recommend that tanks are fitted in an area that is not in direct sunlight.
2,250mm (88.58″)
910mm (35.83″)
1,610mm (63.39″)
1,230 Litres (271 Gallons)
10 Years on Manufacturing Defects. Product must be registered at Warranty covers replacement tank only. 1 Year on Parts.